The International Interdisciplinary Boredom Conference is the only scientific conference on boredom which is: (1) recurrent, (2) totally boredom-oriented, and (3) genuinely multidisciplinary.

The main objectives of the Boredom Conference are:

(1) encouraging researchers, especially the young ones, to include boredom into their reserch interests and promoting the idea of interdisciplinary boredom studies [dissemination and promotion];

(2) creating space for creative discussion concerning boredom-related issues and linking up researchers from all over the world [networking and community];

(3) developing frames of scientific thinking about boredom and creating foundations for further interdisciplinary boredom research [basework and inspiration];

(4) promoting a positive model of non-boring scientific conference, which implements results of research on boredom [stop boring conferences!].

Thus far, 8 events have taken place:

(8) 24-26 June 2021 – 4th International Interdisciplinary Boredom Conference, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain [online].

(7) 16-17 June 20173rd International Interdisciplinary Boredom Conference, University of Warsaw, Poland.

(6) 21 April 20217IV Ogólnopolska Interdyscyplinarna Konferencja Nudologiczna, „Nuda akademicko – akademicko o nudzie”, University of Warsaw, Poland.

(5) 2-3 June 20162nd International Interdisciplinary Boredom Conference, University of Warsaw, Poland.

(4) 22-23 April 2016III Ogólnopolska Interdyscyplinarna Konferencja Nudologiczna, „Nuda akademicko – akademicko o nudzie”, University of Warsaw, Poland.

(3) 15-16 May 20151st International Interdisciplinary Boredom Conference, University of Warsaw, Poland.

(2) 14 May 2015II Ogólnopolska Interdyscyplinarna Konferencja Nudologiczna, „Nuda akademicko – akademicko o nudzie”, University of Warsaw, Poland.

(1) 16-17 May 2014I Ogólnopolska Interdyscyplinarna Konferencja Nudologiczna, „Nuda akademicko – akademicko o nudzie”, University of Warsaw, Poland.

Media about Boredom Conference:

7 December 2016 – Diane PetersOur growing fascination with boredom,  University Affairs (mention of Boredom Conference).

14 July 2016 – Randy Malamud (Georgia State University), One big yawn? The academics bewitched by boredomTimes. Higher Education (the article about Boredom Conference).[PDF]

12 January 2016 – Maggie Koerth-BakerWhy boredom is anything but boringNature (mention of Boredom Conference).